Sunday, December 28, 2008

Next Year year

Young team, with a good QB. They will be in the hunt next year. Go Green Bay

Friday, December 12, 2008

My little girl

My little girl turns 26 tomorrow.

Where did the time go?

Love you Leah.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser. Vince Lombardi

Monday, December 8, 2008

Can't add Comments

Apparently, unless you are signed into Google, such as gmail, you will not be able to comment on this blog.  Now that sucks, cause the whole idea was to illicit comments, opinions etc. I plan to voice my discontent with Google. 
Till then, feel free to read, and if you do have comments, email me at


Over and out till later


Friday, December 5, 2008

I have a friend

I have a friend I've never met. Can I call him a friend?

 We were introduced by a member of my family.
We converse soley throught email, and have many things in common.

So in today's "new world", can I call him a friend?

Food for thought.

Let me know your thoughts.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Jackson Browne

Heading out to see him in Sydney, Austrtalia in March/09. Just thinking about his music and this is probably one of my favs. His new album, Time the Conqueror, sounds like the early Jackson Browne, lots of good tunes, with political undertones......give it a try....

Enjoy the vid.....

Parliament Dissolved

Just like an Alka-Seltzer. Can hardly wait for January 25/2009, when the clowns sit again. Oh well now everyone can concentrate on Christmas.
Kinda nice though that Canadians from either end of our Country, finally made themselves heard. Maybe we are not Sheeple after-all........

Can't wait for Round 2........

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Coalition Poll

Just had a look at the recent poll being circulated on the net. Last count was up around 197,000 signatures. Good idea, you can even add comments. Good idea till ya read the comments, they seem very Conservative oriented. MMMMMM, you say, why would that happen.

Well how bout fear mongering for starts.
 Help, help the Bloc is gonna swallow Canada, the Liberals will tax the shirts off our backs to ultimately pay back the billions they plan to inject into the ecomony. The NDP couldn't balance a teeter totter let alone a budget (and they would obviously just look after Union types.)

Well folks, being an NDP-er since approx 1971, when I put up Federal Election signs for my friends dad Ed Nelson, MP (yes he won), I have stayed the course after all these years. (Sounds like a Paul Simon song, but it had the word crazy in the lyrics)

However after all this crap the last few days, my allegience has fallen by the way side. Layton had the chance to sit back, be calm and let the others float the balloon. Sure Harpo, threatened to take away bargaining rights, which was plain stupid, considering what PSAC just settled for, but come on Jack, do some thinking. As for the rest of the clowns, I have never had any time for  any of them, period.

Our voting system needs to be revamped, it just ain't working folks. Next time you watch a debate with a French guy that you can't even vote for pretty well will sums it up.

Personally, I fully expect not to vote in the next election. I know, if you don't vote, ya can't bitch, but look at the choices.

Maybe if the Save the Whales group runs, or the Pine Beetles for Canada, or The Spotted Owls of BC...(that one's for you brother John), maybe I will reconsider.

This is a country that I love, a country obviously going to be run, by a bunch of fools.

Samoa sounds nice.

Till then


Fear the Packers

The Packers will prevail.......

Vote for Who??

Comment on: PM to address the country about political crisis at 12/3/2008 12:18 PM EST
I agree with Spectors comments, only trouble is, that from listening and watching the feedback, there are alot of Canadians who really don't know who to vote for. I have been NDP, since I became of voting age, and now am completely frustrated by Jack's turn of events. What will another election produce?? Can somebody answer? The whole world is in financial meltdown. We need a strong government to see us through.

News Flash

This just in...Vegas Odds that Harpo will step down 36-1

Harper is a Goof

Dear Mr. Harper,

There's a saying that when you get to the bottom of the hole, you should stop digging. We're in up to our necks now so PLEASE no fireside chats on prime time.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Can you say Downpour

Oh and one other thing, when it rains in the Caribbean, its quick, strong and fast, and as you will hear and see, quite funny...(this was on Grenada)

Till then



If you ever get the chance in your lifetime to visit the Caribbean, Grenada is the place to see. Called the Spice Island, for all the wonderful spices they grow. It is a most compelling island, with landscape to die for.  The people are some of the friendliest we have ever met, always a smile on there faces.  We have travelled to several islands in the West Indies, Carribean and South Pacific, but this one is one of our favourites.
If you need any information on Grenada feel free to get in contact

Till then


Right Said Fred

A little video to get things going......

Till then


Taking Shape

Let me know what ya think, playing around with add-ons etc, trying to get a feel for the blog. Any feedback welcome.....

till then


Snow is good

Hope you enjoy


What I'm reading today

Check out the link, and read the comments from my fellow

About Fred Said

So this is it, my first blog. Not sure how the whole concept works, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Anyhow, as the title say's, I'm calling my blog Fred said. I will probably use it for rants, like the current goings on in our so-called Canadian Government. Or maybe just use it to tell the rest of ya how my day is going. Hope to have more input soon, still working on the set-up etc...

Till then
